Privacy Policy
Today, due to the advanced development of computer networks such as the Internet, a large amount of information is being transmitted at high speed, creating an environment in which various information, including medical and nursing care information, can be digitized and effectively utilized.However, an environment in which a large amount of information can be transmitted at high speed directly increases information risk, and companies and organizations are required to manage personal information in a safe and reliable manner.
We believe that the proper handling of personal information of users is an important responsibility of those involved in medical and nursing care services. We are working on it as an important issue.
Against this background, we hereby declare the handling of personal information as follows.
XNUMX.Strict observance of laws and regulations regarding personal information
We will comply with laws and ordinances, norms, guidelines, etc. regarding the protection of personal information established by administrative agencies, etc. regarding the protection of personal information in the course of business.
XNUMX.Strengthening measures to protect personal information
Eliminate the possibility of personal information being accumulated and used in a distributed manner, improve the system for appropriate collection, use and provision of personal information, and prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, and falsification of personal information. and strive to prevent leaks, and take prompt corrective measures in the unlikely event that a problem occurs.
XNUMX.Thorough unification of intentions regarding the protection of personal information
We will clarify the rules regarding the handling of personal information and ensure that all employees are aware of them.We also request our business partners to handle personal information appropriately.
XNUMX.Continuous improvement and promotion of personal information protection activities
In order to voluntarily take appropriate measures to protect personal information, we will periodically review internal rules regarding the handling of personal information, comply with them, and thoroughly promote education and training for our staff.
This personal information protection policy will be published on our website, and will also be published on paper upon request.
Social Welfare Corporation Konankai Chairman Shinichi Hashimoto