Employment support facility for persons with disabilitiesIshin Kobo Kirari

  • Address

    4983 Shobutani Nagahama, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture XNUMX

  • Phone


  • FAX


Management policy

We will respect the personality of the user, always strive for services from the user's standpoint, accurately grasp the needs of the user and his / her family, and create an individual plan.In addition, we will provide the appropriate services that users need, and manage and evaluate the services.

Service contents

We provide transportation, meals, life consultation, and health management.In addition, individual support plans are created, training necessary for improving knowledge and abilities necessary for employment is provided, out-of-facility employment and in-facility employment support, job hunting support, employment opportunities provided by concluding employment contracts, workplace stability support, etc. to hold.

Working area

Kochi City, Konan City

Working days / hours / service provision hours

Business Day Mon-Fri
Business hours 8:30 --17:30
Service hours 9:15 --16:45


25 people


860 Yen

Staff system

Service manager
Vocational instructor
life supporter

1 person
1 person
XNUMX or more
XNUMX or more

Terms of use

✔️ People with physical disabilities
✔️People with mental disorders
✔️Those who can receive payment for continuous employment support type A in the municipality where you live


Please contact the office first.Support staff will provide consultation and guidance until employment.

score tableas well as the Regional cooperation activity implementation status report

Score table (overall)
Score table (results)
Regional cooperation activity implementation status report

Inquiries and requests for materials regarding moving in