Nursery school in the officeBayberry

  • Address

    1160-XNUMX, Akaoka-cho, Konan City, Kochi Prefecture

  • Phone


  • FAX


Management policy

We will maintain life and stabilize emotions according to the child's situation and development process.We will grasp the condition and characteristics of children, provide childcare tailored to each individual, and cultivate the basis of physical and mental health.Considering the human rights of children, we will develop rich sensibilities and expressiveness through play and life.Utilizing the characteristics and expertise of the nursery center, we will support and support children and parents.Based on the Child and Child-rearing Support Law, we will cooperate with each local government and parents.

Service contents

We carry out on-site childcare business and extended childcare business.Acquire basic lifestyles, take good care of yourself and those around you, and develop a rich and compassionate heart.Develop the ability to express yourself through experience and experience.By cultivating children's motivation to learn and what they are interested in, and by fully accepting their thoughts and feelings, it promotes mental stability and enhances independence.Fosters expressiveness by being close to the child's heart and behavior.

Service area

Those who have an address in Konan City and those who are working in Konan City are eligible.Please contact us for details.


19 people Regional limit 10 people Employee limit XNUMX people
      12 year old - XNUMX people XNUMX year old - XNUMX people XNUMX year old - XNUMX people

Terms of use

Target age XNUMX years old child, XNUMX year old child, XNUMX years old child

Admission will be based on the certification stipulated in the payment certificate issued by the local government of your place of residence.For more information, please contact us.

Service provision date and time

Childcare Standard Time Monday-Saturday 7: 30-18: 30
Short childcare Monday-Saturday 9: 00-17: 00

Annual Events

We hold seasonal events such as carp streamers, Tanabata, pool play, Keirokai participation, mini athletic meet, potato digging, Christmas party, Setsubun, and Hinamatsuri.In addition to this, we also hold excursions, mini presentations, and cooking.

Staff system

deputy director
homely childcare supporter

1 person
1 person
1 person
4 people
1 person

Usage fee and usage fee

Childcare user burden (monthly) set by the local government
Extension fee (250 yen per day) according to the required amount of childcare specified in the childcare certificate


You will need to apply to the municipality of your place of residence.First of all, please contact us.The person in charge will explain the details.

Inquiries and requests for materials regarding moving in